Phytoplantkton - Natures Secret

Unlike any other food, Phytoplankton is being hailed as the new 'super food' as it is 100% nutritionally useful and bio-available to the body; when you eat it, nothing whatsoever gets wasted. Most normal foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, meat and fish actually contain less than 50% nutritional value that is useful to the body.

During the digestive process humans produce a significant quantity of waste by-products from consuming these conventional foods. These waste by-products produce toxicity and stress in the body, particularly if the gut, liver and other organs are not functioning correctly. Over time, this toxic stress overload can lead to illness and disease, hence the record levels of drugs being prescribed nowadays.

As Hippocrates, the famous Greek Physician once said, "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." Logic says that the lower you get on the food chain the more nutritious the food. You cannot get any lower on the Earth’s food chain than Marine Phytoplankton. Pretty much all diseases in the world come from malnourishment, toxins in the body, and stress. Doesn’t it make sense that if you are suffering from something serious the best thing you can give your body is the most nutritious food on the planet? The primitive character of this micro-algae’s cellular structure give it a number of advantages over higher plants and animals as a food source. For starters, practically the entire organism can be nutritious, with minimal indigestible structures. By contrast, typically less than half the dry weights of raw fruit & vegetables have any nutrient value. Marine Phytoplankton consists almost entirely of nutritionally useful and uniform cells. Furthermore, Marine Phytoplankton exhibits superior photosynthetic efficiency, using light approximately three times more efficiently than higher plants. Micro-algae are among the most productive organisms on the planet.

For The Truth On How To Order Marine Phytoplankton Call
Don Carl (702) 490-9584

To View Story Of How Marine Phytoplankton Cured Tom Harper Of Lung Cancer and Diabetes
Click On "Testimonials" Tab



Healing with Marine PhytoPlankton: Humans Testimonials  -----Animal's Testimonials

Chronic Health Condition -  Diabetes -  Eczema -  Joint condition  - Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness -  Surviving 3 different types of cancer - Surviving Carcinoid Tumor - Multiple Health Challenges - Obsessive compulsive disorder  - Bi-polar / Manic Depression -  Vision/Hair  -  Hypothyroidism -  Cystitis -   81 y old with great energy -  Eye and Vision Condition Improvement  - Weight loss  -  Epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes   -  Hole in the Heart  - Listen to this testimonial: Healing Ulcerative Colitis

Tom Harper Cures Mesothelioma Lung Cancer with Marine Phytoplankton!  
by admin on Saturday, July 3rd,

Tom Harper, a shellfish seed farmer on the West Coast of British Columbia was growing an algae paste, Alpha-3 CMP (Concentrated Marine Phytoplankton) to feed to his shellfish, when he discovered he had come down with Mesothelioma – asbestos lung cancer. He was given only months to live and was advised by his doctor to get his affairs in order.

One day while passing his tanks of marine phytoplankton, he considered the amazing health benefits his shellfish seed had realized since consuming this paste. His shellfish were up to five times larger than those fed by traditional industry food. He thought of all the plants in the world and knew many of them had medicinal properties. Instinctively Tom began eating the paste himself.

Within weeks he started to feel less pain and his energy began to return. He was scheduled for a serious surgery where they would fuse his lungs together with his plural lining, in an effort to let him live a little longer without drowning in the fluid building up in his lungs. His doctors began the process when they found something they had never seen before, a strange white foreign substance had covered all of his tumors. When they sent some tissue in for a biopsy they found everything was benign. In addition to that Tom's diabetes was gone after being on 26 units of insulin for decades.

Was there a possibility these microscopic plants known as Marine Phytoplankton were ready to be presented to the world as a unique untapped source of nutrition from the sea?
As Tom shared his marine phytoplankton paste with others, many people began experiencing positive shifts in their health as well. His focus shifted from producing food for his shellfish seed to finding a way to deliver the paste to a rapidly growing number of people interested in improving their health. He joined with a company called ForeverGreen who have included Tom's marine phytoplankton in a liquid tonic called FrequenSea.

As marine phytoplankton is at the bottom of the food chain, meaning that every life form exists because of marine phytoplankton, their nutritional profile is second to none. FrequenSea is the most complete and absorbable marine phytoplankton product on the market today. Almost every person taking FrequenSea notices a beneficial change in their bodies. People living for years with chronic and sometimes debilitating conditions have found relief after exhausting all avenues of medical advice.

The following testimonials are obtained from the WhyPlankton website

Severe Chronic Health Condition  - I had back surgery in 1979 and 1982. I spent a year in bed trying to get rid of the inflammation, which didn't work so I have spent the last 25 years on painkillers and anti inflammatories. I also have high blood pressure, GERD, Fibromyalgia, Pan Sinusitis (operated on in 2005) and heel spurs, and of course a weight problem. I am a walking talking piece of art. I started taking Marine Phytoplankton two weeks before Easter. I started with a bang! 1 oz. in the morning and 1 oz. at night, with the idea that if it works - great! (I really didn't expect that it would). I would give it a valiant effort and take one case. If there were no changes, then I wasn't buying anymore.

This Easter I had 16 people over for dinner. We left on that Wed. for Fairmont for 4 days and on the next Friday I drove to Red Deer for a three-day convention. I usually do the family gatherings here at home as I am always on painkillers and anti inflammatories. Surprise, I didn't need any and my leg didn't burn! While I was in Fairmont we sat around and ate and ate, and then went to the convention and sat for hours and hours and ate way too much the rest of the time. Normally I don' t sit well, I'm usually the one in the back pacing back and forth, but not this time. After all this eating for two weeks, I thought if I only put on 5-7 pounds that I would be laughing. I actually lost weight! That is unbelievable for me! I have lost weight every single week since I started taking Marine Phytoplankton (now affectionately know as Mom's "joy juice"). I have more energy, the Fibromyalgia is almost non-existent, and my blood pressure pills and my Losec for the GERD have been cut in half. My feet don't bother me, and my specialist who did my surgery for the pan sinusitis said to keep taking my steroids or I will be back in for another surgery, guaranteed - but it all looks great! Little does he know that I haven't taken the steroids at all.

My family doctor wants me to take the Marine Phytoplankton at the 2 oz. per day for three months and then see her. She had noticed that I had lost weight, moved better, and looked better (lack of pain will do that for you). She is very interested in Marine Phytoplankton. My only pain now is sore cheeks from smiling, and I am constantly saying I can't believe that I don't have any pain - it's awesome!

UPDATE: I fell on a sidewalk and badly sprained my foot this past weekend. The doctor said I would be on crutches for 2 weeks. It really didn't hurt that much, but I did the crutch thing for 2 days. I was bored at the lake (no TV), so I read... without my glasses, as I hadn't taken them with me. I came home and am still reading without my reading glasses. I didn't realize that my eyesight had improved." D. K.

Born with A Hole in the Heart
Benjamin Cheng is a physician from Cambridge University, England - practising as an oncologist in England for 9 years. He gave up his practice as a cancer doctor in the Singapore Government Hospital  and is now General Manager for Forevergreen in Singapore. He had twin sons 6 years ago both born with hole in the heart. Up to the age of three they had three unsuccessful heart operations . So he did research on alternative medicine and Frequensea has helped to reduce the size of the holes - half the size now . It seems the hole was 3/4 the size of the baby's heart.They are now very active and lively children still on 5 ozs each  of frequensea daily. (Atrial Septal Defect and Ventricular Septal Defect )

The most renown feature of Marine Phytoplankton as one of the natural cures for diabetes is that it not only improves the blood sugar levels, but it also prevents the usual complications that arise from diabetes. Testimonials show dramatic changes in glucose levels of those who choose to use marine phytoplankton, although it must already be established as one's maintenance intake for diabetics because losing the supply of marine phytoplankton may spike glucose levels at abnormal levels again.

For The Truth About Using and Ordering Marine Phytoplankton Speak To Don Carl First. Call Don Carl Direct (702) 490-9584

"My wife is diabetic and after she got breast cancer we hit some hard times and could not afford her medication. Her sugar count went to 318, which is high. I told my sister about this, and she had a bottle of Marine Phytoplankton. She stated that Marine Phytoplankton has been known to lower sugar count for diabetics. I picked up the bottle and gave Juanita one ounce that evening. The very next morning her count had dropped 88 points. I told a friend about Juanita's experience with Marine Phytoplankton and had him try it. His sugar count dropped 103 points the next day. We kept track of Juanita's a.m. and p.m. tests for two weeks... up and down, up and down but the highs were not as high and lows were lower. After 10 days the lows were in the 120's ? highs were 212 to 250. Her Dr. started her on penicillin shots so she stopped taking Marine Phytoplankton. Her sugar count went up, and then up some more until one night it hit 382. I told her flat out that she was going to take Marine Phytoplankton with her. First night she had a 142-point drop. Three days later her readings were in the 170s and going down little by little." K. W.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Recovery with Nutritional Support
"In 2004 I began to experience a lot of joint swelling in my hands, shoulders, knees and ankles. That pain would simply jump around in my body without warning and I kept going to the doctor who concluded I had either strained a muscle or had a torn rotator cup. Eventually after CATS and MRIs showed no problems the doctor gave me a blood test and when it came back she said that I had Lupus. I was prescribed a series of medications that made me very ill. After researching more about lupus it occurred to me that I needed to find a doctor that specialized in autoimmune deficiencies. I found a doctor who specialized in autoimmune diseases and after a series of blood test this doctor told me I had RA, Rheumatoid Arthritis. She said that my RA factors were over 200 and started me on a methotrexate, and other RA combo drugs including, prednisone, cortisone shots and painkillers. I eventually ended up switching to other Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs and weekly injections of Enbrel shots. I was constantly praying for something natural I could take that would cure this horrible and unforgiving disease.

My doctor insisted that there was no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis and that I needed to accept the fact that I would be on medication for the rest of my life, that RA was not reversible. The side effects of the medications were at times unbearable. A friend of mine who at one time had stage four pancreatic cancer introduced me to Marine Phytoplankton and suggested that I talk to a friend of hers for more information. It was suggested that I began with 1 1/2 oz of Marine Phytoplankton a day and after 30 days I should see some change in my body. After being on so many over the counter drugs and prescribed medications I was a bit reluctant but decided to try it 3 days after purchasing it. After all, I really had nothing to lose. Within the first half hour of taking the Marine Phytoplankton I felt. The swelling had left my hands, completely (this is where the Rheumatoid Arthritis had settled). Each day I continued to take 1 1/2 oz of the Marine Phytoplankton and I have not looked back. It has only been 30 days and I have not taken any medications for arthritis. I have been pain free and I have not had any joint swelling. This is truly a miracle for me and it is what I have been looking for. I am recommending it to everyone I know that has RA. I believe that Marine Phytoplankton is the all-natural product that is healing my body from the inside out."  T. W.

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We look forward to help you restore your health!
 Don Carl
(702) 490-9584

Dr. Rodier M.D. answers questions about marine phytoplankton  Profound Life-Giving Properties of Marine Phytoplankton

Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Don @ (702) 490-9594 Marine Phytoplankton products

Chronic Health Condition -  Diabetes - Eczema -  Joint condition  - Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness -  Surviving 3 different types of cancer - Surviving Carcinoid Tumor - Multiple Health Challenges - Obsessive compulsive disorder  - Bi-polar / Manic Depression -  Vision/Hair  -  Hypothyroidism -  Cystitis -   81 y old with great energy -  Eye and Vision Condition Improvement  - Weight loss   -  Epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes    -  Hole in the Heart  - Listen to this testimonial: Healing Ulcerative Colitis

Testimonials obtained from the WhyPlankton website

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Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness
A recent client of mine is a woman with breast, bone and liver cancer who started taking Marine Phytoplankton about two weeks ago. Previously unable to keep anything down and having very little energy, she is now very excited and is experiencing a complete turnaround. She has worked up to two ounces a day, has much improved energy, and can now eat with no problem. Her pH has come up from 5.6 to 6.2 as well. Prior to starting on this program, she had undergone chemotherapy and radiation, which made her quite ill. Her blood work, after about 10 days, has improved. Needless to say, she is ecstatic and grateful to have been exposed to Marine Phytoplankton. Her family can't believe the change!"  D. W.

Surviving 3 different types of cancer:

1. Mesothelioma - Diagnosed in May of 1989; No cancer treatments would help to shrink the lining of the lung. Prognosis: incurable; life expectancy - 2 years A lot of prayers, along with a multitude of very costly vitamins and a gallon of bitter taheebo tea daily. February 1991 - no cancer showing in blood test and x-rays showed lung had returned almost to normal.

2. Prostate - Diagnosed in December 2000, because of high PSA. Prognosis: Stage 3.5; without surgery 2 - 3 years Treatment: removal of prostate and lymph nodes 2 weeks after surgery, blood test - clear

3. Non-Small Cell Carcinoma - Found a mass on yearly medical exam x-ray. Many test later in March 2004 the mass was Diagnosed and it was also discovered that I had a large mass in the lymph node between the two lungs in the sac holding the heart and lungs. Prognosis: incurable because it had metastasized to the lymph node. 7 or 8 months at best. May get another 1 to 2 years with radical amounts of Chemo and radiation. Treatments ran from August 9th to December 13, 2004 everyday for 5 - 6 days each week. I had no appetite, was exhausted, forgetful, skeleton skinny at 116 pounds and scared to go out for fear of catching the flu that was going around. I did get pneumonia 3 times from April to November 2005. During all this my wife, family and friends thought I would be dead by Xmas as I was sleeping most of the time because of extreme weakness.

My wife's friend had sent an email to her about Marine Phytoplankton around the first week in November, but due to her worry she never took the time to go to the websites. Finally our friend called my wife and us and I listened to "Another Day" and read other testimonials. I started on it about the first week in December and within a few days my wife noticed that the grey paler parts of my skin were being replaced with a rosier glow, and the twinkle was back in my eyes. I noticed that I was not sleeping through the day anymore, and that I had more energy. The next few days my appetite returned and I was eating 3 meals a day and snacking in between. I started to gain weight again. Today February 16th, 2006 I went for my check up at the Cancer Clinic were my blood work was a-okay, my x-ray clear and the Doctor could not hear any rattling in my lungs. I am now 134 pounds and feel fit as a fiddle.K. F.

Carcinoid Tumor
I have a rare cancer, called Carcinoid Tumor, I was diagnosed on 10/31/03, at 40, mother of three, my youngest now almost three, I have been facing the unthinkable early death. There is no known cure for Carcinoid, it is managed by being surgically removed and then attempts are made to stabilize existing tumors or new tumor growth by an injected drug that has been developed to "fence the disease in" thus buying time for the patient. On December 8th, 2003, I had a major nine hour surgery at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN, successfully removing 98% of the tumors. I was left with a tumor in my spleen and one on my lung. Nine months later I was begun on the 30-mg. injection to try to keep the cancer from growing. In the past 22 months, I have returned to The Mayo, every twelve weeks for CT scans and blood and urine tests. I have been seen to develop seven new tumors to my liver, giving me a total of nine known tumors total. Then on October 4th, just 30 days ago, I took my first ounce of the Marine Phytoplankton, I have taken four tablespoons or 2 ounces per day; one on an empty stomach in the morning and one before bed, I have not missed a single dose. Beside sleeping better, feeling better and looking better, I have just returned from my three day trip to The Mayo Clinic where I had a CT scan to monitor the seven spots on my liver, so that it could be decided if I should undergo RFA or Radio Frequency Ablation, a surgical technique to remove these tumors from my liver. This is what happened instead. My husband and I sat in total disbelief as we were told that there are no tumors on my liver, and the tumor in my spleen has also vanished!!!! Eight out of nine tumors are GONE! I have never written a testimonial in my life, but at this point, I feel it is my responsibility to do so. Is my Sandostatin injection the sole reason for this miracle? I doubt it, since I have managed to develop seven new tumors in spite of it, and research shows that the injection to act mainly as a band-aid, and NOT a cure. Have I just been blessed? Yes, because in my opinion, The Marine Phytoplankton drink was divinely inspired, and it seems about as clear as my CT scans, that the answer is YES! In writing this I hope you and your family will find the healing you are hoping for, or at the very least, will become healthier and feel better while you're looking." C. H.

Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? 
Contact Don or call (702) 490-9584

Profound Life-Giving Properties of Marine Phytoplankton Testimonials obtained from the WhyPlankton website

Multiple Health Challenges
Over the years I wasn't kind to my body and ran a gamut of health issues:

    1. Car Accident - 1997 - someone ran into the back of me as I, along with another car, had stopped for a transit bus. I was pushed into the back end of the car ahead of me and sustained injuries to a total of 5 vertebrae in my upper and lower back. I was on mega doses of pain meds and ended up taking Zoloft 100mgs per day for depression.
    2. Reflux - Put on Pantoloc 40 mgs per day because of the stresses of my depression and the meds I was on.
    3. Mini-Strokes I had 2 of them in 2003 and now I take Aggrenox 25 mgs twice a day.
    4. Obesity - Have been severely overweight since 1998, Tried every kind of diet known to man since.
    5. Cholesterol - very high; taking a statin Lipitor 40 mgs per day.
    6. High Blood Pressure Hard to control without Ramapril 20 mgs per day.
    7. Type 11 Diabetes - Controlled by eating better.
    8. Broke Tibia Plateau - actually had major work to repair damage from a fall in June 2004. On bed rest for months and the pain was terrible. I had to have the screws taken out this January as they were trying to come through my skin.

I started taking 2 ounces per day in December but had to quit so my husband would have enough to last until the New year. I made a decision to forgo buying my Lipitor and Ramapril so we could afford more Marine Phytoplankton. I have noticed a substantial weight loss of about 25 pounds, the pain in my neck, back and leg was not unbearable. Now I have energy, my tongue has cleared of the horrid dirty yellow coating. I went to a Doctor for a total check up before my surgery the end of January because they had to know if it was safe for me to be put out or not. I have never had a doctor tell me that I was a very healthy person and that every test came back normal. I also noticed that I didn't need pain meds after I got home the day of my surgery and the healing process was amazing. M. L. F

"I have a friend with an 8-year-old daughter named Chelsea. Chelsea has had severe food allergies and asthma her entire life. Last week she went to the doctor to refill her inhalant prescription for her asthma. He asked her to take deep breaths, and by the fifth one she needed the inhaler because she was wheezing so badly. The day after the visit, Chelsea began to take half an ounce of Marine Phytoplankton daily added to her juice. After a week, she was able to endure over an hour of exercise on a trampoline without the use of her asthma medication, which would not have been possible a week prior. She visited the doctor again today and he said he could not explain why she was no longer wheezing and has reduced her need for the inhaler from several times a day to two times a day. Because of Marine Phytoplankton, her moods have significantly improved and she seems to be feeling much happier! " V. G.

Bi-polar / Manic Depression
"I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder or manic depression. I have been taking Marine Phytoplantkon every day for 2 months now and I have to say I feel great on it. I have a much for positive attitude toward life and seem far more able to look to the future. Personally I feel that, coming from the base of the food chain, Marine Phytoplankton supports and nourishes our most basic instincts and provides much needed neurological support. My mood swings seem much more stable now, and depressive episodes seem much easier to shrug off. My thinking is much clearer, as are my levels of concentration. Marine Phytoplankton has definitely improved the quality of my life, and long may it continue! In my experience it is 'food for the soul'. T. S.

Obsessive compulsive disorder
My mother has OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder). This disorder makes your mind think that if you do an action, or have a thought, one more time you will feel better. We think Mum has had this disorder since her teenage years. It has never been treated. When I was a child doctors prescribed Valium for her. My childhood was different from others.

She spent her life trying to cover her disorder. Then nearly 10 yrs ago at 67 she fell over and broke her arm. It was too much; she completely lost herself in her disorder. Her days are a series of events that are one string of obsessions. Food must be eaten at exactly the same time each day and the food is exactly the same every day. 8am - Weetbix. 11am - pita bread with cheese. 2pm - a banana (this must be eaten facing the front door leaning against the sink). 7pm - cornflakes (the bowl is tapped and both arms are looked at before each spoonful is taken). She washes the dishes and sink, but only the sink, there could be spider webs past the line onto the bench but it cannot be wiped. She must go back to bed after each activity, take all her clothes off and lay on her right side (during the day) and the left (at night) this is in the fetal position. All water is drunk in the bedroom. Her walk is slow and invalid like. Every 2 weeks she showers and we take her to the doctor for a Serepax prescription. She wears the same clothes every day. These clothes are never to be washed.

She was in hospital about 8 years ago for 6 months, and then the hospital asked her to leave. She would not cooperate with the doctors at all. They said she was the most stubborn patient they had ever encountered. The other issue that has been happening over the past 10 yrs is she has been reducing the amount she eats, just by a cornflake at a time. She started with a meal at dinnertime of chicken, potato and broccoli. This disappeared about 5 yrs ago. The pita bread as it stood 5 weeks ago had one slither of cheese.

So as you can imagine she was not looking all that good. I went for a visit after I got back from America and she looked dreadful. Her skin was grayish, her cheeks were sunken, she was a skeleton and quite miserable. I spoke to her about the fact that the blue nurses were concerned about her health and that it was possible she would be taken away on a ITO (involuntary treatment order). She said she couldn't do anything about it. She was unable to swallow anything other than what she eats now. She said the symptoms she was feeling were understandable due to the lack of nutrition. I suggested we put a buzzer on her so that when she fell down from weakness she could buzz me. Then I asked if she would please try my new product Marine Phytoplankton, the kids and I were feeling very good on it and some amazing story's had been told at the conference and it just might help. "OK but no buzzer Shelley".

That was 5 weeks ago. She started taking a dose in the morning and one at night. It became another obsession. After 2 weeks her skin started to take on a normal tone, the sunken cheeks seemed less. She smiled and had become chatty. After 3 weeks she walked up 2 blocks to the car from her doctors surgery. She has taken on the organizing of the mowing. And last night she rang to order her food - Bread/eggs/yogurt and chocolate. It knocked my socks off. She said she has been eating a lot more than usual and that thoughts of food had started about 3 nights ago when she could not stop thinking about different sorts of food she could eat. Starting she said with egg sandwiches and chocolate.

I took her up a box of chocolate straight away. Evelyn (my daughter) handed her the box and said "Happy Mother's day". Mum reached out her hand and stroked Evelyn's cheek, smiled and said thank you. That was the first time my mother has ever touched her 6yr old granddaughter. It bought tears to my eyes. Evelyn later touched her cheek on the same spot and said "Grandma looked younger today" Marine Phytoplankton feeds your body at a cellular level, which allows your body to heal itself." S. L.

Marine Phytoplanton products.
Dr. Rodier M.D. answers questions about marine phytoplankton

Do you have a question about marine phytoplankton or need guidance? click here to contact Don  or call (702) 490-9584.

Dr. Baccili interviews microbiologist Kathy Jones Profound Life-Giving Properties of Marine Phytoplankton

Chronic Health Condition -  Diabetes - Eczema -  Joint condition  - Overcoming Chemotherapy Sickness -  Surviving 3 different types of cancer - Surviving Carcinoid Tumor - Multiple Health Challenges - Obsessive compulsive disorder  - Bi-polar / Manic Depression -  Vision/Hair  -  Hypothyroidism -  Cystitis- 81 y old with great energy -  Eye and Vision Condition Improvement  - Weight loss  -  Epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes   -  Epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes - Hole in the Heart  -  Listen to this testimonial: Healing Ulcerative Colitis

Testimonials obtained from the WhyPlankton website

Dr. Robert Rowe Ph.D - "My 81 year old mother had been telling me how much energy she had been having since taking the phytoplankton. However she had misunderstood the amount she should be taking – she was consuming mere drops, rather than the proper ounces. Having been a student of homeopathy, it suddenly dawned on me there must be a major energy component activated, even though her dosage was so small. The work of Fritz Popp came to mind: Dr. Popp, a world renowned physicist, found that living things emit small packets of light called photons. We can see the phosphorescence produced in the ocean when the water is stirred at night; we are able to see the sparkling photon light produced. Dr. Popp was able to show that the effects of a compound could be duplicated just by bombarding water with the electromagnetic frequency of the compound, which is how homeopathy works. about Dr. Rowe

Epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes
"My sons have also been taking Marine Phytoplankton. My 11 year old has been in a special needs school for the last 3 years, due to severe memory loss caused from seizures. Since taking Marine Phytoplankton my son no longer needs to take medication and his memory is as good as it ever was. In September he will be able to go back to his regular community school. I can't believe how he feels about himself. As a mother you don't know what it is like to see the life come back in your child's eyes, and watch his self-esteem get better. He tells numerous people about Marine Phytoplankton and its web-site and the video they should watch. He loves what the product has done for himself as well as the family. My other son, who is 8 years old has been diagnosed since birth with epilepsy, autism, ADHD, tourettes, and more. He was using 5 different medications a day and it was a struggle to get him to function. People were scared of him. He would never get invited to birthday parties or sleepovers. He had a very aggressive nature, he could only sleep 2 hours at a time, he was wetting the bed and was 15 pounds underweight. After 6 weeks of taking Marine Phytoplankton he is now medication free, which is amazing! He has been in a special needs school since he was 3 years old. His teacher cannot believe the difference in his behavior in such a short amount of time. The boy that always struggled, just received 3 A's, 2 B's and 1 C on his final report card. He is now sleeping through the night, no longer wets the bed and his weight is now up to normal. Everybody is noticing the dramatic change and is asking what has happened. All we can say is Marine Phytoplankton and hand them a brochure. I had tears in my eyes when he got invited to a birthday party and his first sleepover recently. Life cannot be better when you see your children live happy and peaceful lives. Before Marine Phytoplankton the cost of the medications for the 3 of us was $800 per month! "

Vision / Hair
I have been using Marine Phytoplankton for 1-1/2 months now. My wife noticed in the second week that I was growing hair in my bald spot (a lot of it!) and 2-weeks ago I walked out to the mailbox and got the paper and was reading it on the front porch and suddenly it dawned on me that I was not wearing my glasses! I haven't been able to read without glasses for years. The gal that cuts my hair also asked if I had changed conditioner and I said "no" and she had noticed that my hair was much healthier and thicker. I also sleep like a baby at night now and wake feeling rested. I use to get up for a few minutes and then head back to bed for a couple hours and since taking Marine Phytoplankton I stay up and feel great! F. K.

I'm "only" 48 years old, and have been struggling with hypothyroidism for years now. My doctor has gradually increased my dosage over the years to where I have now been at a whopping .212 mcg/day. I have been using Marine Phytoplankton since August 2005 and have noticed significant and amazing improvements in so many areas of my life (including people who literally didn't recognize me from 6 months ago)... but the most measurable is this: Last week I started feeling jittery and anxious, and I suddenly realized that's how I felt whenever I was on too much thyroid medicine. I made an appointment with my doctor for a blood test to check the levels. When I got there, the nurse told me I was early and I thought she meant I got the appointment time wrong. Then she told me I was 3 months early; the doctor didn't "need" to have my levels tested for another 3 months. I told her I had been on a nutritional supplement that has been known to normalize thyroid levels, and since I'd been feeling jittery, I felt I should have it checked. I could tell she thought I was nuts, but who cares? When the results came in, the nurse said "Mary, we got the results back on your thyroid test, and the doctor wants you to stop taking the nutritional supplement." I'll confess that years of indoctrination created an initial split-second reaction of "Oh, no! It's not good for me!" Then logic, reason and common sense immediately took control and I asked her for more details. She said that my thyroid number was low, indicating I'm overmedicated, and that whatever supplement I was taking was to blame (not her exact words, but the inference was there). I explained that it was not just any old supplement for thyroid, but a complete nutritional supplement... and that I'd hoped for the results I'd just gotten! I then told her, laughingly, to tell the doctor "No, you'll have to shoot me first before I'll go off of it!" and, instead, could he reduce my dosage. She called me later and said the doctor had lowered my dose from .212 mcg to .100 mcg/day! That's less than half of what I've been taking! 

(Testimonials obtained from the WhyPlankton website) ---  Additional testimonials

A client with interstitial cystitis, (IC is a rare chronic pelvic pain disorder resulting in recurring discomfort or pain in the bladder and the surrounding pelvic region-there's no known medical cause or cure.), recently e-mailed me: "I have been noticing more and more improvement since taking the Marine Phytoplankton. I have started working out again... after 2 years! (I used to work out consistently for years and hike and all sorts of active things. I even went on some hikes recently and have another scheduled for this week. I also noticed that I have limited soreness after. I have been sleeping much better too. I had to skip taking this for 5 days (I was on a trip) and today I start back up. My body is really wanting it. Thanks so much for turning me on to this product... I believe it is really supporting my body better than any other thing that I have tried. It feels like my body can absorb it!" Lynne

22 pounds lighter and feeling great!
"I have been using one ounce of marine phytoplankton tonic daily for four months and I am delighted because I am 22 pounds lighter. This product curbs my appetite and I have to make myself eat. When I sleep it is a very sound sleep and I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rested. I have noticed that my vision has improved and I can read small print again. I have so much energy now, and I attribute all of these health improvements to the marine phytoplankton tonic." Donna Davis  -

Dramatic rapid weight loss
"We received our Marine Phytoplankton order which instructed that  you should take between 1/2 - 1 ounce daily.  We decided to go for the lower dosage of 1/2 ounce daily.  The next day I heard my wife say from the bathroom in a very excited voice that she lost 5 lbs.  Shocked and skeptical I told her she had to be wrong!  I checked the scales which also measure body fat and water to ensure she was not mistaken and got her to step on the scales again.  Well, there it was!  She had dropped from 145 lbs to 140 lbs in one day!  I congratulated her and didn't really think about it again until I stepped on the scale later on that morning.  I had lost 6.5 lbs dropping from 177 lbs to 171.5 lbs!  I was so excited I called her at work to tell her!  I had her check her weight on the scales in the nurse's office at the school in which she is the Media Specialist, and it was the same." Read John Booth's entire testimonial Eczema - cracked, bleeding,  oozing, skin

I became a massage therapist four years ago.  I was absolutely thrilled!  I had finally found my calling.  I loved it.  Not only did it feel right but it provided more than enough for me and my family financially.  Then about six months into my career my hands started to break out.  Not just break out but literally “break out”.  My skin split open and bled, I had oozing welts, I itched, I burned; I couldn’t stand it!  There would be certain people I would work on that would make my hands burn the entire time.  Unfortunately I had to completely stop massaging. I went to numerous doctors who couldn’t pin point a diagnosis but would tell me it was a general allergic reaction.  Allergic reaction to what?  I went crazy trying all kinds of different creams, lotions, oils, soaps, detergents, etc., etc.  I even tried wearing gloves!  On any given day my hands would be normal…I’d do one massage and it would take me weeks to clear up my “allergic reaction”.

After about a year of trying everything I could think of and doing massive amounts of research I decided that it must all be in my head.  I must have some sort of subconscious block against my beloved career.  So the meditation, prayer, and affirmations began.  And continued.  Still nothing.  I gave up!  My massage career was over.  Maybe some day I would find a solution… About two months ago I started massaging again.  Only two massages every Friday so my hands would have time to heal during the week.  Then one morning I had a message from my sister, who is a medical transcriptionist; she was positive she had found a diagnosis for my hands.  She was typing notes for a dermatologist who was treating a patient with similar symptoms to what I have but they were on her feet.  (I couldn’t even imagine that agony – I would stay in bed and cry forever!)  When she did an internet research for the dermatologist’s diagnosis, a picture of my hands came up!  (Not actually mine, but could have been)  Finally after years of nothing I had a lead.

I took that lead and ran.  I ran into an amazing website with all kinds of natural healing ideas.  This website led me to the website that would change my life…the information page on Marine phytoplankton.  I had lots of internal struggles about ordering something so expensive that might not even work.  I didn’t order at first.  Something kept telling me to order it (I now believe my angels can sometimes be very pesty!).  I took the plunge. I can’t even begin to tell you what I felt inside as I realized I had found my answer.  Since I had been massaging every Friday my hands were horrible.  I was working through the pain for the little bit of extra money it was bringing my family.  My hands completely healed up within one week of drinking my daily dose of 1 oz!  It was amazing!  I am now massaging full time again.  It’s good to be back doing what I love without suffering!  In addition to my miracle, I decided to try giving marine phytoplankton (Frequen-Sea)  to my 6 year old daughter.  She had been suffering from asthma and allergies for months.  We could not get her to clear up.  She was on prescription antihistamines and decongestants as well as a nebulizer.  I went ahead and gave her ½ oz every night for three days.  She woke up on the fourth morning with no symptoms!  She asks every night to take “the vitamin juice”.

High blood pressure, candida, sleep disorder, bladder control and mental fog
I have struggled for many years with a variety of health issues, including high blood pressure, candida, sleep disorder, bladder control and mental fog.  Doctors prescribed a bunch of medications but they only gave me temporary relief  – just putting a band-aid on the problem. When I began taking marine phytoplankton juice, I  experienced a “cleansing” effect.  Detoxing.. my stomach was sore and upset telling me that the drink was addressing digestive issues right away. Probably gall bladder and intestines.  I continued taking ½ oz twice a day and in 4 days I felt “clean” inside.  I now had a clear head…THE FOG HAD LIFTED!  I get energy immediately after drinking it.  I have a feeling of calm and am handeling stress better. My skin is softer, my hair is getting thicker.  I am sleeping through the night because I’m not getting up to go to the bathroom and the minerals are a natural relaxant. Calcium and magnesium. I am very happy with this whole food juice and will continue to take it because it is continuing to nourish me down to the cell level. My female boxer, Vandy, had tumors all over body and inside her mouth.  
I gave her the same marine phytoplankton juce in within a month all tumors were gone.  There is also an “even keel” about her. She's very calm now. No longer hyper." Jeanine  (read other animal's testimonials)

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