Will Phytoplankton interact with any medications?
Marine Phytoplankton is a whole food supplement. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, protein, and essential fats. Since it is a green plant food, it is known to be a source of vitamin K which may theoretically affect the therapeutic properties of blood thinners. If taking blood thinners, use under the guidance of your health care professional. back to top
Why is Marine Phytoplankton seem so expensive?
For The Truth About Using and Ordering Marine Phytoplankton Speck With Don Carl First Call Direct Don Carl (702) 490-9584
Growing Phytoplankton is a highly specialized and a very complex process. A football field's worth of land is required to produce 70 kg in a period of 2-3 months under 24 hour monitoring with state of the art computers and highly trained professionals. Nevertheless, those who supplement with our Marine Phytoplankton find that the value of the nutritional benefits far outweighs the price. back to top
Why select Marine Phytoplankton over other algaes such as chlorella and spirulina?
Marine Phytoplankton is the origin of all plankton. It has pigments that are unique to marine phytoplankton which no other plant material has. It is these pigments that scientists are looking at to find out why they are so beneficial to health. Also, spirulina and chlorella grow in fresh water. Phytoplankton, on the other hand, grows in the ocean and therefore contains an array of minerals and other nutritional elements not found in fresh water algae.
Is Marine Phytoplankton linked with any food allergy, intolerance or sensitivity issues?
No allergic reactions using Marine Phytoplankton have ever been reported, it is considered a safe whole food. Here's an interesting fact related to that: "Only seven foods comprise 95 percent of all food allergies, they are: milk, soy, fish, wheat (gluten), eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts." (The Yale Guide to Children's Nutrition, page 186, 1997.) []
What is Multi-Strain Marine Phytoplankton?
Not all Phytoplankton is the same. There are over 40,000 known strains of marine phytoplankton, but only few have an exceptionally high nutritional analysis with a soft cell structure suitable for human consumption. Our European researchers have clearly marked the most nutritionally rich plankton strains to date. Each are grown separately and then mixed together, enabling us to provide you with the highest quality Multi-Strain Marine Phytoplankton available on the Market today! However, due to the strong fish like odor and taste factor, our Multi-Strain Marine Phytoplankton, it is only available in capsules. Our 90 gram bags of marine phytoplankton powder are only single strain plankton, though it is our number one most nutritionally rich “plankton strain”, it is not Multi-Strain. Most of our customers who still love our original single strain plankton have reported back even better results when trying our new multi-Strain marine phytoplankton. It’s a matter of “good, just got better!” and we’re sure you will love it too! But because there are those that can not swallow capsules, we will continue to make our original single plankton strain available for those who need and want the powder form. If you think you can bear the taste of the new Multi-Strain plankton, we suggest you try opening up the capsule and pouring then into your desired drink or shake. Capsule Information & Ingredients
Capsule Type: Clear Vegetarian K-CAPS (HPMC)
Capsule Size: 0.
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose
Silicon Dioxide - Silicon - A Trace Mineral
Although silicon is necessary for our body, it is categorized as a trace mineral. This means unlike other minerals, silicon is needed in minimal amounts to maintain health.
Purified Water
Why Choose it Above the Rest?
According to many biologists, marine phytoplankton is the ultimate health food. They have spent years isolating and identifying strains of phytoplankton that populate our oceans. The tiny aquatic organisms play a vital role in the food chain of nearly every organism on earth. In fact, if they were to disappear from the ocean tomorrow, scientists speculate, all life on earth would come to a grinding halt. Not only do they provide all the essential amino acids for life, they also are a major contributor to the oxygen in our atmosphere. While several major supplement companies claim to offer marine phytoplankton for their health benefits, only the pure freeze dried Marine Phytoplankton provides pure phytoplankton grown in a true marine environment without any of the impurities and contaminants that are present in most of the other brands on the market.
Why is Pure Freeze Dried Marine Phytoplankton Is the Ideal Food Source.
In scientific terms, essential amino acids are those that our bodies can't synthesize naturally. They must come from the foods that we take in. Pure freeze dried Marine Phytoplankton contains 16 of the 22 essential amino acids needed for health and life, including omega 3 fatty acids, which are almost completely lacking in land-based food sources. Marine phytoplankton also provides vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and other essential nutrients.
Why Pure Freeze Dried Marine Phytoplankton Is Important.
As researchers dig deeper and deeper into the mechanics of disease and health, they inevitably reach one conclusion - most disease results from imbalances of the chemicals and nutrients in the body. When you provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to build and rebuild healthy cells, your body is able to conquer disease and achieve health. Our mostly land-based diet is lacking many essential nutrients, nutrients that are all present in Pure freeze dried Marine Phytoplankton. When you provide those nutrients, your body can literally heal itself of many today's most common ailments.
Why Choose Pure Freeze Dried Marine Phytoplankton
Our Pure Freeze Dried Marine Phytoplankton is the only marine plankton grown in 100% pure ocean water, sterilized to remove all foreign algae and purified to remove contaminants often found in water drawn directly from the ocean. Marine Phytoplankton is the only company that goes to this much trouble to ensure that they are providing you with the purest, healthiest strains of marine phytoplankton.
When you choose Our Pure Freeze Dried form Marine Phytoplankton, you are choosing the only 100% pure marine phytoplankton on the market and you'll get the benefit of the world's original and only super food. Our pure freeze dried Phytoplankton is so positive of those benefits that they provide a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with their product.
For Questions or to Order On a Special Discount Rate Ask For Don Carl Cell # (702) 490-9584
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