Phytoplantkton - Natures Secret

Unlike any other food, Phytoplankton is being hailed as the new 'super food' as it is 100% nutritionally useful and bio-available to the body; when you eat it, nothing whatsoever gets wasted. Most normal foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, meat and fish actually contain less than 50% nutritional value that is useful to the body.

During the digestive process humans produce a significant quantity of waste by-products from consuming these conventional foods. These waste by-products produce toxicity and stress in the body, particularly if the gut, liver and other organs are not functioning correctly. Over time, this toxic stress overload can lead to illness and disease, hence the record levels of drugs being prescribed nowadays.

As Hippocrates, the famous Greek Physician once said, "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." Logic says that the lower you get on the food chain the more nutritious the food. You cannot get any lower on the Earth’s food chain than Marine Phytoplankton. Pretty much all diseases in the world come from malnourishment, toxins in the body, and stress. Doesn’t it make sense that if you are suffering from something serious the best thing you can give your body is the most nutritious food on the planet? The primitive character of this micro-algae’s cellular structure give it a number of advantages over higher plants and animals as a food source. For starters, practically the entire organism can be nutritious, with minimal indigestible structures. By contrast, typically less than half the dry weights of raw fruit & vegetables have any nutrient value. Marine Phytoplankton consists almost entirely of nutritionally useful and uniform cells. Furthermore, Marine Phytoplankton exhibits superior photosynthetic efficiency, using light approximately three times more efficiently than higher plants. Micro-algae are among the most productive organisms on the planet.

For The Truth On How To Order Marine Phytoplankton Call
Don Carl (702) 490-9584

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Phytoplankton Nutritional Benefit

Phytoplankton - The Nutritional Facts

Pure Freeze Dried Marine Phytoplankton - A Sea plant with amazing health potentials

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Plankton describes the community of microscopic animals and plants adapted to the suspension of fresh water or the sea. Plankton is readily liable to passive movement by current or wind. The microscopic sea plants are known as phytoplankton and are essentially considered the grass of the sea. The food chain begins with these sea plants whereby phytoplankton is at the forefront.

Phytoplankton consists of photosynthetic organisms that produce organic substances from external energy sources including sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. These microscopic sea plants are super concentrated in a green pigment called chlorophyll, the primary site for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is critical for global energy production and recycling, on which all forms of life are dependent.

The end result of photosynthesis is the provision of energy nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Energy nutrients are essential to human health since they literally fuel every cell of the human body.

Marine phytoplankton serves as a valuable source of nourishment for many sea animals. Of particular interest, phytoplankton provides fish with the healthy omega 3 fats such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega 3 fats are essential to human health since research clearly shows a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, auto-immune disorders, and behavioural disorders associated with these healthy fats.

From Fish Food to Human Consumption

Moving from fish food to human consumption of phytoplankton has shown some interesting food for thought. Marine phytoplankton contains compounds including trace minerals, chlorophyll, omega 3 fats EPA and DHA, carotenoids, and other unidentified pigments. Interestingly, a recent animal study (2003) found that a unique strain of Gesundheit Marine Phytoplankton significantly reduced plasma and liver levels of cholesterol in male rats, demonstrating its potential benefits for cardiovascular health. It was also shown that phytoplankton and its provision of omega 3 fats help support normal fetal brain development in baby rats during late pregnancy and early lactation.

For The Truth About Using and Ordering Marine Phytoplankton Talk To Don Carl First
Don Carl Direct (702) 490-9584

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Phytoplankton Pigments May Be Potent Antioxidants

A recent review published in the American Journal of Clinical nutrition states that the potent health protective qualities of fruit and vegetables are attributed to the complex mixture of phytochemicals present in whole foods. To date, up to 5000 phytochemicals in plant foods have been identified, with still many that are unknown. Indeed research clearly shows that plant pigments (phytochemicals) in foods may be working synergistically as antioxidants to fight off disease. Most forms of disease are suggested to be either a cause of increased oxidation in the body or to result from excessive oxidation. Oxidation describes the rusting of cells, tissues, and organs. Antioxidants from foods slow down oxidation thereby preventing cellular damage that can lead to disease.

Marine phytoplankton is loaded with antioxidant nutrients and pigments. Some prime examples of phytoplankton antioxidants include the carotenoids such as astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are known to work as a family to prevent disease. Food source carotenoids are the only effective way to receive health benefits, due to the intricate balance that can only be found in foods. This is in line with most studies on antioxidants, where consistent health benefits are found with diets rich in plant foods.

Furthermore, Gesundheit Marine Phytoplankton has been shown to provide the same level of antioxidants as found with cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are amazing health protectors, detoxifiers, and provide a nutrition power house. However, the astounding health benefits reported with Gesundeit Marine Phytoplankton may indicate that this whole food contains unique antioxidant pigments unavailable in other common foods. Alternatively, it may be working at a cellular level to produce a stronger antioxidant effect within the body.

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We look forward to help you restore your health!
 Don Carl
(702) 490-9584

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